Saturday, December 23, 2023

How do I use this stove, are all bowls in Canada square, and other miscellaneous adventures

The stove has 5 burners but only 4 knobs, and all the labels have worn off.  I did find the instructions for how to use the oven, though!  No helpful diagrams or info about the stovetop in those instructions.  Here are some pictures with captions for your enjoyment.

Followed the directions here and waited 30 minutes.  Instead of taking these signs down and changing all the signage pointing here, they have this note at the bottom that probably means something to people who have been here before and don't need the signs.  Eventually got most of the groceries, though even that was a disaster because they were all new and gave me things I didn't order and didn't give me things I did, so the time-saving process of using order ahead took about 2 hours.  : D

This is the only place there is to put clothes.  I guess people don't have drawers or clothes here in Canada?

The sink is not attached to the counter.  It's being held up by the plumbing underneath!  It will take 10 days to get access to the kitchen sink!

This is the office desk setup.  I don't know about you, but I love having to stare at my own face in a mirror while I work!  Who wouldn't?!  : D

All of my dishes are square.  My brain cannot deal with this. Why?!  Is this a Canadian Thing?  Spoons fail.

I can't get my plugs in.  There's something in all the outlets that makes it nearly impossible to jam them in there.  Hoping they don't get bent too badly or cause some sort of weird electrical incident.  I kept trying to talk to them about it, but THAT was a nightmare saga of doom.  We'll just cross our fingers, shall we?

One of my colleagues brought these for me when I marveled that our site does not provide cups, plates or silverware for us to use here, the way it does at my home site.  : D  Welcome gifts from Canada!
I am having a great time traveling to see my family, why do you ask?

If you are a dog in this airport, have we got a treat for YOU!  #OhCanada

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