Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Living rocking chair stories

I am told that to live an interesting story, you must want something interesting and overcome opposition to achieve it.  So what do I want?  Here are some excerpts from my current list.
  • a big, comfy rocking recliner
  • at least 8 solid hours of sleep a night (and no micronapping or spacing out during the day)
  • to take on the federal Office of Workers' Compensation Programs and make it a more efficient, injured-worker-focused organization acting in good faith and using best practices to help injured workers, (corollaries: to get them to admit they wronged me and to have them apologize and then pay for all the debt I accrued due to this stupid injury and their ham-handedness handling it I am such a silly dreamer)
  • to be out of debt (so I can spend more of that money giving to charities I want to help)
  • to find a church body I can serve in, probably one that has mentorship opportunities in the community
  • to not be in pain
  • to figure out a way to do what I am best at (note to self: figure out what I'm best at) and then find a way to do it
  • a big, comfy rocking recliner
Some of these wants seem epic enough for a story, but I don't think I have the willpower, guts, and energy to make them happen.  Others of them are really lame.
Q. Are you seriously not going to get a chair until you're out of debt?  Are you seriously going to wait ten years to buy a chair?
A. Yes, as long as they cost $400 when they're on sale (not that I drool over advertisements or go sit on chairs [only after checking their prices] in those rare instances when I am near a place of shopping).  
Some of these wants might make nice stories, I suppose, but mostly they'd just be boring.  I've never been good at writing short stories, so I suppose it's not that startling that I'm not good at living good ones either.

What are you in pursuit of that is making your life story an interesting one right now?  And/or what's your rocking recliner?  :)

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