Saturday, February 10, 2024

My First Great Toronto Subway Transit Adventure, Part 2

There should be a rule that if you are a museum, you should have postcards of every piece of art in your collection, so that I may grab those instead of crappy photos.

This one felt like some sort of Pre-Raphaelite Impressionism.

So this one cracked me up.  Monet apparently stole the door out of his room at an inn and painted on it.  I'm imagining the innkeepers talking behind his back about needing to get half their wardrobe doors replaced after he's been through on a tear.

This one really needs to be seen.  It's stunning.  With lots of creepy elements thrown in.

There were ships!  Not the wooly kind.  : D  


Went the wrong way.

Grabbed some yuzu tea and Hiroshima-style buns at Hattendo for Lunar New Year consumption.

Rested the foot.  The foot continued to be unimpressed by these efforts.

Went the right way.

Visited Anime Extreme.  Wow.  Got Myne to keep Natsume, Ed, and Al, and the other random clearance figures from my Borders days company.

I don't know why this cracked me up so much, but the attention to detail in the height differences was great.  Poor Tsukishima is the only one not in a standard-sized box.  : D

Went the wrong way.

Visited The Beguiling.  Books are more expensive here, dagnabbit.  Also, I'll have to transport them home. Must . . . Resist . . .

Went the right way. Unfortunately, I think this is near the college area, and everyone and their grandmothers were smoking.  Literally the first time I have been around anyone smoking since coming to Canada.  Did not miss it.  

Passed this bike shop.  I have questions.

Tried out the pocket sushi place where I . . . did not get sushi of any kind.  I wanted some salmon donburi (usually rice with some kind of protein and mayo-based sauce.  I got . . . something that was as much like actual donburi as their pocket sushi was like actual sushi.  So I shouldn't have been surprised, but my plan to eat half and take half home for lunch the next day was totally foiled.  The vegetables no doubt did me good, salted with my disappointed tears.  (I jest.)  The honey garlic karaage was outstanding, and I did not burn myself on it.  However, they mistakenly made twice as much as they were supposed to, and it wouldn't have survived a trip home.  So I ate way more than I was intending.

I stretched and rested my leg, which continued to be completely unappeased.

At that point it was only 5, and I got out my phone to see if any other places I had marked were in the area.  Several food places were, so NOPE to those.  "I could ride somewhere else on the subway to see some of the other places I wanted to check out," I thought with adorable enthusiasm.  Then I moved my leg an inch to test it.

"OW.  OW.  OW," throbbed my left foot in a very scream-y register that promised dark vengeance.  "Ha, ha," I thought, feeling a bit green and wondering if I would be able to walk to the streetcar to go home. "There is always next time!"

Limped slowly past a gelato place still serving gelato in February but didn't want to eat ever again. : D  Maybe next time.

Made it to the streetcar station and then onto the right streetcar!  Forgot to scan phone, then machine didn't want to scan phone, limped back to seat being held by scruffy, unkempt man who was feeling very chatty, which helped me take my mind off the official agony going on in my left leg.  

Eventually got onto the right subway train.  If anyone was giving me the stink eye, I sure didn't notice because the pain was at worrying levels.

Limped home to wash off, ice, and collapse.


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