Thursday, February 28, 2013

Parasol Protectorate Part 2

Changeless: The weaving of fact with fiction is really fun.  This is such a genre-mash-up of a series.  Alternate history-spinster-steampunk-supernatural-Victorian-romance-fantasy-melodrama-comedy-of-errors and now a bit of highlander, soldier, and Egyptian adventure, too.  Because there wasn't enough going on.  Also, I hate her sister.  Lots.

Blameless: BEST THING IN THIS BOOK: How Lord Maccon manages to stay drunk for days (and what causes it) and why Lyall is called Professor.  Seriously. Hilarious.  Crunchy pickled snacks . . . Snort!  I cannot wait to see the manga version of this . . .

Heartless: What a movie this one would make.  Also, The Raging Octomatons would be an excellent name for a band.

Timeless: You know, one of my favorite things about this series are the names.  Where did she come up with these?  Did she go through a list and pick the most absurd and ridiculous, or did she make them up?  Either way, they're awesome and snort-worthy. 

Not that I'm complaining, really, because it was quite the fun ride, and I needed to get back to my life and not trying to finish more books to find out what happened next and what name would make me giggle for days, but it feels like the author just got tired of the series and wanted to end it, so she did.  Leaving all sorts of sad, lonely, excellent plot threads just hanging there, feeling embarrassed and abandoned.  Your mileage will vary; maybe by this point, you'll want to be done with it, but I prefer less of a whimper at the end of a series that was this much fun. 

I've decided I want someone to make it a musical.  I wonder if the audiobooks have British accented readers . . .

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