Saturday, February 10, 2024

My First Great Toronto Subway Transit Adventure, Part 1


It was not without it's problems, but I did, eventually get on the right train legally where this lady gave me the stink eye for 10 stops.  I couldn't tell if it was my mask or my hair (greenish and very enthusiastically curly that day) or my bright green knee brace in an area where disability is generally not allowed to be visible or just ME, but every single time I looked around, she was glaring at me with displeasure while writing something.  I may be featured in an opinion piece somewhere about the downfall of western civilization in Toronto sometime soon.

I (eventually) transferred to the right street car.  Probably legally.  I read the fine print, and you only have to scan when getting on the streetcar on the street.  I'm still not sure how the transfers work, so mission not accomplished there.

Walked the wrong way.

The answer to the question where do you find postcards in Canada is Chinatown.

Chinese Bakery.  So much variety. So little cost!!!

Fueled up for art appreciation.  Then Appreciated some art.

Perfectly depicted sunset over water!

These guys behind Jesus look like real people!  Probably the painting's patrons?

The toenails!!!!

I'm a sucker for the dramatic thing where the characters in the foreground seem to be inhabiting another world.

I hope there is a Tumblr or something out there that collects awkward baby Jesus art from the middle ages, medieval, and renaissance pictures.  Some of these painters had clearly never seen a human child, and I love it.

You can't really tell, but the artist captured the woman's hair perfectly.  Let's not talk about the child.  (See above where we reference how many artists seem to have never seen actual human children.)

Your periodic reminder that masculinity is socially constructed!  : D  Also, that fabric.  Wow.

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