Saturday, July 13, 2024

How to not bruise fruit, books, and looking forward to adventures

#OrAllergens  #MyPoorSinusesAndLungs  #WheezyPoetry

Friends.  I have mentioned my delight in being able to walk down the street and purchase fresh fruit.  

#IAmEnjoyingThis  #I'mGoingToMissItWhenI'mGone

It's interesting because I always buy too much and then smash it all around on the way home, so I have to race to eat it all before it goes bad.  #OhNo  Is there a good way to carry bruise-able fruit in a bag without mortally wounding it?


I was starting to wonder if there would be cicadas here.  They've started making their presence known on the warmer days.  I miss drowsing in the hammock to their chanting.

Cicadas also mean it's hot.  And it has been warmer, for sure.  And humid.  And my body is . . . you know, bad at summer.  After the first 5 minutes of warming up, I am walking at exactly the same speed.  then at the end, I cooled down and reduced speed.  My heart . . . I mean, it does its best, and I appreciate its effort, but, yes, my autonomic nervous system continues its dysautonomic ways.


Still taking it easy.  Every time I have the thought, "I need to rest today.  What on Earth will I do with all that time?"  I generally have a thought like I did this Saturday morning, "Oh, no, I will have to read a whole book!!!!"  And I did.  Second to the last book in a loooong series.  How can this author make a really long conversation just as compelling as the action-y bits?!  I don't know!  I just enjoyed the ride and finished up only a little later than I should have.  It was glorious.  One more book left.  Coming out very far away.  Plenty of time to reread from book 1 should the need arise.  #AscendanceOfABookworm4Evar  #OrAtLeastOneMoreBook  #AndHopefullyAMillionSideStories

I'm being especially gentle with myself because I have friends coming up to visit later this week, and I will need all the stored rest I can get.  : D  It's very hard to be so excited about the people and all the things while also knowing that I knocked myself flat with just 2 days of adventure.  There will be 4 days of adventure with this group (and one scheduled day for collapse) before a very full week at work.

#ButItWillAlsoHaveSoMuchFun  #AndSittingAroundTalkingAboutBooks  #AndReadingBooksTogetherInTheSameRoom  #AndWatchingFunThings

Hugs and rest and adventure to you in the coming week!

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