Saturday, January 6, 2024

Bert the Bathroom Bean and Other Furnished Apartment Oddities

Here are some more pictures and captions from my apartment in Canada.

This is Bert the Bathroom Bean.  I think it's a felted fantasy on vegetables. That seems to be a partial theme?  From what I understand, they go to a warehouse of stuff and just grab things to furnish these places.  The results can be . . . odd.

Aloe to you, too.  We'll call it Al.

I think it's kind of artichoke-esque?  So maybe Art?
These were on the too tall glass top-table.  Any time you eat on it, they rattle around until you're sure they're going to break.  So I put them somewhere else and chased them around for a bit before they ended up here.

One of the humorous things about this apartment is that is seems like maybe it was not designed by human beings?  It's like they gave an alien life form a list of things a human would want in an apartment, and the alien put them in the apartment, but didn't actually know how humans use them.

There is no place this is more evident than the bathroom.  Towels are behind the door.  The light switch is hard to get to.  There's nowhere to hang a robe or clothes.  There is nowhere to put toilet paper.  There is this gap underneath the cabinet where things go to die.  There is a behind-the-mirror cabinet that has no shelves?  There are places where you could rearrange things to make them convenient, and they just aren't.  It's bizarre and a minor daily annoyance.

This stuff is gross.

This one if inspirational but not descriptive because there hasn't been any snow / sun combo.

In the garage near me.  I have questions, Canada.

I hope you are enjoying your human-designed bathrooms!

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