Saturday, April 13, 2024

Eclipse Fail Fun, Food, and Poetry Month

So! There was an eclipse!  In theory!  There were pictures.  That other people took.  Totally overcast here the whole time.

Also where I usually live in Minnesota.  #JustLikeIn2017

This is the place down the street that is gluten free and sesame free.  They charge for takeout containers.  I'm seriously going to bring my own next time and see what happens. : D

Combining my transit adventures with my medical visits.  This is a random non-alcoholic beverage the obviously new and overwhelmed staff person made at the restaurant.  She begged me to take it so it wouldn't go to waste.  It was . . . a thing.  : D

This is what I actually came for:
Yes, friends.  #OmuriceNearMeFTW  It looks terrible, and I suspect all Japanese people would consider this version of it slightly blasphemous, but it was very tasty.

Also on the menu: I don't think this is mango pudding.  I mean, maybe they use a very specific and baffling mold, and it is the right color, buuuuut . . .  #ProbablyNotMangoPudding

Slowly eating these over time.  I find it hilarious that these fancy chocolate places have these nice printed up things to make sure you know what you're eating, but the actual items often bear so little resemblance to the pictures that they are completely worthless except for forensic identification afterword ("Is there one with pear and cheese?")  #IDon'tThinkIWouldEatThatOne  #ButIWouldn'tKnowIfIWasAboutToAnyway

Also not sure what this was because the bag was misprinted.  #TastyIsWhatItWas

Upon reflection, I think this is referring to neurodiversity diagnoses like ASD and ADHD and such, but I think it works for people with complicated health or chronic pain diagnoses, as well. 

In celebration of National Poetry Month in the states . . .

#YesShushiki #IKnowThatFeeling

#AlsoYes  #AlwaysStuffToLearnFromTheMoon  #EvenWhenWeCan'tSeeItBlockingTheSun  #CurseYouIllTimedClouds

Not quite yet, Ikkyu, but well-connected to the previous statement.  #PoetryMatters


Also, this book is important and eye-opening in the best way.  Listen to or read it from your library and tell someone else about it.  Together we can address this type of data bias and make things better for everyone!

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