Saturday, September 14, 2024

Still recovering, getting alignment, Mid-Autumn Festival Jaunt

I got some frozen teeny scones, jam, and clotted cream at Kitten & the Bear (these are still NOT really scones, but they ARE really delicious).  My oven pulled its usual shenanigans, but we got them warmed and crisp-ish and then slathered then in delight.


Then it was off to the airport for the simple quarterly errand of returning the rental car and getting the new one.  This time, my phone played the game where it couldn't figure out where I actually was.  It usually only does this in downtown Toronto where it is a nuisance but manageable.  I ended up seeing a lot of very random, possibly employee-only sections of the airport but did eventually manage to get gas and return the car and pick up the next one.  It took 5 hours, and my phone battery died because of the strain.  (Don't worry, I noticed, and, once my GPS had figured itself out, I pulled over and wrote down the directions for the remainder of the quick errand trip.)  

I was looking for something short (in length) and tall (in height) with plenty of space for luggage when I (theoretically) return home in November or December.  There was one car left.  It was not short.  It was also not tall.
#Whatever  #ProbablyBestNotToBeParalyzedByChoiceAgain  #AlsoThisIsTheFaceOfAPersonWhoWentToIKEAForOneThingAndLeftIKEAWithOneThing  #ASelfControlMiracle

It WAS blue.  But now I am wary of blue cars that are long after the disaster with the last one.  It was also new, but I don't seem to be as allergic to its offgassing as I was to the previous Nissan car.  It also had some weird damage to it that the person checking the car over didn't note, so I made sure to note it.  This is me trying to take pictures in the dim, weirdly lit cavern of the car pickup/drop-off.
#WeirdScratchesAlongTheSide  #Documented

This car has SO MUCH trunk space that I'm not sure laws of physics are being respected.  I might actually be able to fit all my luggage in it.  #FingersCrossed

#SoTrue  #PacingIsNoJoke

#WorkingOnIt  #RecoveringPerfectionistishTendencies

Activity Tracker is not helping here.  It has some very cool and helpful features, but there is a weird disconnect between readiness and the activity goals it sets for the day.  (That I don't see until the end of the day when I have inevitably done the opposite.)

#ActivityTrackerFriend  #ICannotBothRestAndMeetYourAboveBaselineGoal  #TheseAreMutuallyExclusive

Have some taiyaki to help.
#TastyFish  #HowIsRedBeanPasteSoGood

I really needed to rest on the weekend.  But Mid-Autumn Festival is coming up, and I was head-down in work until this week and didn't have time to care until now.  I did save myself from a complicated transit adventure when part of one of the main lines was closed for the weekend by realizing I could spend exorbitant amounts to have some mid-autumn treats delivered.

But then Saturday morning, I wanted to go check out some of the places along Spadina that my local ERG folks recommended, and, even though I should have been resting, I went.

Once again, I walked right past "Chinese Bakery."  In my defense, I didn't look at the map, and I got distracted by an elderly man listening to nostalgic Chinese music outside a shop front that made me go off on a head-tangent about how hard it must be to love your culture and history so much and have to leave it behind, and when I came to I was almost at the museum, so I knew I'd gone past it.  The store was actually the one the man was sitting outside of, so that was extra funny.
#ThisIsAFreshPerfectChickenSandwich  #PerfectlyBalanced  #SoftFreshRollSavoryCrunchyChickenSlightlySweetMayoCrispSurprisingLettuce
#AMangeyPigeonStaredMeDownWhileIAteIt  #IDidNotShare

Ran into a friend and decided to get a selfie together.


I stopped by one of the recommended places where I ordered mooncakes in case they had one that sold out between when I put it into my cart and when I checked out (they did not), and they had some lovely whimsical things.   
#OneOfTheTamerOfferings  #ItIsWhatItLooksLike  #IThinkINeedaDifferentGraduateDegreeToGetItOutOfThePackagingCorrectly

I checked the hours for Omusubi Bar Suzume to make sure they would actually be open, so I could get some great rice balls and cucumber salad.  On my way back from that jaunt, I got a picture of one of the odd, low-lying clouds that was hanging around that day.
#It'sBlockingTheTower  #HardToSee

Then walked around the Chinatown area a little, just looking around at all the mooncakes.  And being glad my plan had not involved the Spadina streetcar, as there was a Falun Gong parade.  Got distracted in my head thinking about how it's considered a far-right cult, but I don't know much more beyond that and how they are clearly very vocally anti-Communist and sometimes the enemy of your enemy is your friend, and then I went to the bookstore.

I haven't really bought souvenirs, and I realized I should probably do that before it gets too cold.  But also, I kind of don't want to buy a bunch of cheap, meaningless stuff people won't really want or treasure simply because that's what you're supposed to do.  I've been bringing friends fun chocolates and sending postcards, so maybe my obligations in this area are taken care of?

Except for these folks.  This is truth.  When you don't have family members in your life who are obligated to make the airport trek, you have to rely on taxis or their modern equivalents.  Having friends who love you enough to go through that line at drop-off or pickup is something I do not take for granted.  These people deserve special things as thanks.  Like maybe a bonsai tree.  Or extra fancy coffee chocolates.

This feels very relevant to my work.  One of my blocks has been contemplating trying to build up another 14-years of subject matter expertise starting from nowhere, and it's a lot to contemplate.  This feels a little more bearable to think about.

#Truth  #NotJustSayingItBecauseMyLibraryIsAllAloneInAnotherCountry  #NotBeingRead  #NotThatMuchWasBeingReadEvenWhenIWasThere  #E-BooksAreEasierOnAllTheChronicPains

Hope you have lots of books in your book wine cellar and extra spoons and excellent executive functioning!

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