Saturday, September 7, 2024

Recovering from the Fair, maybe catching up, cautiously optimistic about things maybe?

It is a very good thing this was a holiday weekend.  Spent most of it teetering between collapsing and puttering around half-brainedly in a fog.

#FeelingALittleBitLimpAndEnnervated  #AndInNeedOfSomeWatersideMingling

I was pleased that this was still mysteriously on my deck.  I forgot to take a picture before I went home on leave.  


Like I said last week, I did my best to let this blister heal.  Interestingly, the special bandages I used did not stay on as advertised.  I couldn't really keep one from wrinkling up and starting to detach for more than 1 day.  When I got back to my apartment, the bandage had sort of . . . melted into my sock.  I have had no luck detaching it.  So now I have an extra single sock, and it is luckily of the type I bought 3 pairs of last year.  If you have any suggestions about how to save this sock, let me know.  : D


I had some breathing space at work this week.  Just hit that part in the process where all my work was done and the next step is where it's all collected.  Was able to get my head above water enough to frantically try to catch up on some of the things I've had to ignore.
#IReallyNeedToBeBetterAtThis  #ThinkingAboutHowICanIntegrateItInMyProjects

#SeeAbove  #TakingTheWin

I got this mysterious message from my activity tracker again.  My numbers were . . . rough for a while there, and it wants me to know it's proud of me for . . . whatever I did to make things better?    


This morning at the cafe where I got these goodies to take home for the week was wild.  I generally try not to be judge-y or prejudiced against groups of people, but this was a #BoomersBeingFools moment that kind of floored me.  It's a small cafe with only a few places to sit outside (important for me, as I am still masking up and trying to be Covid cautious) and even fewer that are shaded.  These 3 boomers had taken over 2 of the tables with shade and had finished their food and drink long before I arrived on the scene.  Their dog, who was a good dog but was obviously starved, spent every other minute giving me soulful looks in case I wanted to share my quiche with it.  The dog was the best part of this interaction.


When I entered their story, they were discussing their recent cruise.  Mr. Boomer listed all the details.  Then he said something along the lines of, "We went to this one place, and there were turtles everywhere.  So many turtles!  Everywhere!  I don't know what those scientists who say sea turtles are endangered or whatever.  They're wrong.  There were so many turtles."

I was sort of stunned and bemused and a little bit in despair.  Friend, I thought, is that really logical?  People who study this across all the oceans and know how many turtles are needed to continue the species and have actual evidence and numbers and are experts in this because it is probably their lives' work say a thing based on facts and knowledge, but because you, a single, untrained and unlearned individual saw "a lot of turtles" in one place at one time, your individual experience is more true and correct than actual facts and should be acted on by stopping efforts to conserve? 

It's possible I was being uncharitable because I was forced to sit in the sun while they were taking up the shade, but, no, I think he was just being an idiot.  In the end, they left when they were chased away by the surly yellow jackets.  I know this because he called whoever they were going to hang out with next to say they were coming over to sit on their porch in the shade because they got chased away by the yellow jackets trying to eat their crumbs on their empty dishes while other customers were forced to bake in the sun.

I packed it in and walked all the way back.  Took the route through the graveyard (there's a stretch along the street where there is no sidewalk, so you can walk in the (busy) road or the bike lane or the graveyard).  Took time to stop and observe the fun late summer things.

#Don'tKnowWhatThisIs  #Pretty

As usual, dysautonomia meant my heart rate did its own thing.  I walked at a steady pace, and . . .
#MyBrainJustDoesn'tKnowWhatToTellMyHeartToDo  #BlessItsHeart

Had some good conversations this week about the next phase of work stuff.  Not with anyone who "matters," just with the great, dedicated people doing the work.  Most of this team is operating outside their native language and not onsite, and I am the hinge that is connecting the folks onsite and this team, and I feel like we're getting to a better place, and I love that feeling on a project when things are coming together instead of flying apart.  

#ThisActuallyHasn'tBeenHappening  #MostlyBecauseISeemToBeAwakeMostOfTheEarlyMorning  #Ugh

I am looking forward to being home again and being able to meet more regularly with my pain psychologist.  I miss talking to her every month.  Remote visits are real, but the laws that restrict them to travel in your own state are also real.  If you are able to meet regularly with your mental health professional, please do it!  

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