Saturday, March 16, 2024

Home leave, (temporary) foot relief, and the consequences of too much sugar

My attempts to dodge daylight savings time change consequences were dodgy at best.  I suppose, in theory, it would have worked had I not been traveling for home leave and trying to do all the errands and all the in persons and messing up my sleep schedule instead of incrementally changing it.  So, even though I didn't plan it this way on purpose this time, if the chance ever comes again, I should not-plan it differently.  Or maybe I just need to accept that it will always be hard until the yahoos in Congress get it together and make it stop.  #DearYahoosInCongressPleaseMakeItStopNow  #ThankYouForThePermissionFunPeopleAtMerriam-Webster

Well, not exactly, Issa, since we pretty much had nothing BUT winter rain in December and January, but more on that later.

While on home leave, not only did I get to appreciate this non-neutral kitchen mat, but I got to have a dishwasher that stays open enough to dry without falling all the way down and causing potentially deadly tripping hazards at random.  #TheThingsWeNeverThoughtWeWouldMiss


My water softener has no idea what time it is, and I don't know (or care to know) how to change it.  I only have the stove to actually change, and on mine it's not hard.  It was trickier to get all the clocks at the Canada place updated.  Downdated?

#WeDidNot  #DearYahoosInCongressPleaseSaveUsFromThisAtLeast

There is something satisfying to me as a chronic health condition person on those rare occasions when my activity tracker agrees that I feel as bad as I feel.  Why, yes, activity tracker, I do feel as though I have been run over by something large and heavy.  I think I will switch to rest mode to remove the guilt I might otherwise jokingly feel when I do not meet your random, buggy activity goals for the day.

It might not be fair of my to blame Congress for how bad I was feeling after the DST, two plane flights, and lots of running around in the short time I had.  I am pretty sure that all the sugar I had was a major contributor.  #Hilariously,NoActualPieOrCakeConsumedThisPieDay

I've actually been doing a decent job with my food choices here.  It's too much of a hassle to go to the store much, so less chance to make unwise choices.  When the weather is nice, I go out and get fresh berries at one of the stands down the road and local chicken at the hilariously posh but still ridiculously named MeatyEats.  


I've been consuming MUCH less refined sugar since I've been here, and I thought it was having a positive effect, but I didn't know for sure until I (for science [okay, and chocolate]) had a LOT of sugar in a short period of time over several days.  Y'all.  My body just . . . couldn't handle it.  It was wild.  The "normal" stuff showed up with the acne and congestion and brain fog, but let me tell you about the heart palpitations and jaw pain and dizziness and terrible cynicism and bad mood and general overall crabbiness.  In conclusion, I think I shouldn't have as hard of a time making good choices around sugar as long as I remember what happened when I didn't.

#HeProbablyWasn'tTalkingAboutChocolate/Refined Sugar  #AndYet

So I'll just settle back into my occasional piece of organic, fair trade dark chocolate at night, which seemed to be tolerated just fine by my body.  

One of the amazing things that happened during this home leave is that I saw my magic chiropractor, and he did some horrible things to my foot, and then I walked down his driveway without pain.  It was amazing.  Then I got into my car, and by the time a week had passed, I was back to the status quo, but for a glorious few days there, I thought maybe I could increase my walking!  Which, let's be honest, may have accelerated the foot's decline back into the pain lane.
On the Friday after I got back, the weather was nice, and my foot was hurting less, so I went on a walk.  Or 3.  I saw these confused (and definitely alive but sleeping) little (big) garden snails hanging out along the way.  #ShhhhThey'reSleeping  #TheyDon'tKnowAboutFakeSpring

I did struggle with that predominant narrative I was seeing for a while that you should never talk about your own experience when someone was sharing theirs because it was selfish and you were trying to "take over" the conversation.  So I kind of like this hot take.  But I do know that there's a difference between bringing up how you relate to a situation and getting so emotional talking about your story that the person who was trusting you to help bear their burden ends up having to spend emotional energy comforting you.  So, thinking about this.

#WithoutFail  #EvenWorseInGTAWhereThereAre27Lanes

Speaking of which, here is the picture of the blue car!  I wasn't withholding it to be coy or because I forgot.  I just . . . hadn't actually taken a picture of it despite intending to 12 times.

#Really  #It'sNotLikeIRealizedAfterTheFactThatIPromisedButDidn'tDeliver  #IMeanNotJustThat  #IAlsoRealizedThenThatIStillHadn'tTakenThePicture  #ButDecidedToLeaveItInToMessWithYou  #It'sALoveLanguageProbably  #Not

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