Look at all the lovely sunlight and shapes! Especially bright because of all the snow the sky just dumped on us over the last couple of days. #It'sProudOfItself
I honestly have no idea what my hair is doing in the back. #IHopeIt'sHavingFun
#OhMemories #SweetSummerChildItWasNotTwoWeeks #OverAYearWithoutAHug
#IsItADuck #IsItADragonWithASerpentineHeadAndScales #No! #It'sALamb
There are apparently places on the internet that celebrate weird Easter lamb cakes. Which is what cued me to what this actually was when I saw it. Who knew?
I like groups of friends, possibly partially for this reason.
Yes, not sure why the polysyllabic word is the only one I can reach sometimes.
I was convinced this was a dragon army inexplicably and delightfully on sale at the Ukranian Bakery down the street. Serpentine heads! Scales! #EatADragon
Yeah, more work stuff. I have been reflecting. I'm still mired in some significant negativity and uncertainty about what I should want and what I should do next. And I wonder if I am overdramatically overreacting. Like Miette from the meme.
Just because I didn't win a game I didn't know I was playing because my leaders were sabotaging me, do I really feel like nothing I have ever done at work matters or is appreciated? Yes. Do I know how unreasonable that is? Yes. Do I still feel it? Yes. A little.
But, while I am trying to be self-aware, I think it's more likely my introversion and that feeling of betrayal that is crippling my confidence and willingness to re-connect. I'm just feeling wounded and raw and lost, and I have to get through feeling that before I can make constructive choices. I just have to hang on until then.
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