Saturday, May 11, 2024

Routines, Tea, and Trousers

This week, I'm generally getting into a good rhythm right before I blow it all up with a trip back home.




I've actually not been doing as well with napping regularly.  I've been onsite more for work, which makes falling asleep without destroying myself in various ways impossible.  I've also been doing all the healthcare trying to encourage my foot and leg and everything else to calm down before people come up to visit me.  12.5 hours + a week.  #VeryReadyForEverythingToCalmDownAndStopScreaming


We had a town hall at work with snacks, and the snacks were basically high tea!!!!  Sans tea, but who cares!  Super fun and tasty!  #Don'tAskWhichOfTheseThingsIAmSupposedToBeAvoiding  #BecauseIt'sAllOfThem  #TheTasteOfRegretIsSweetForAWhile

#NoIssaThereWasNoTea  #KeepUp

#Lilacs!!!!  #OrHyacinths?  #OrHyndrangeas?  I just call everything that smells nice lilacs.

#LittleFuzzyThingsGrowing  #Yay!

#ICare #I'mWatching 

#Ugh  #Preach

 When I go home this time, I will have some clothes waiting to try on.  Wide-legged stuff is in fashion and has been for a bit, so I'm going to see if I can find some things that are wide enough to go over my knee brace without causing problems.  I still hate leggings and very fitted pants, and they have been my life for the last 4+ years due to the knee brace and my fragile skin which requires a layer between it and the brace or it just rips and then takes forever to heal, which means I can't really walk.  So.  #TrustingInTrousers  #IHaveATerribleSuccessRateWithOnlineTrousers  #StayTuned

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