Saturday, May 18, 2024

Parallel Parking, Bonelessness, and Decorative Flowers and Blood Splotches

 Find out how happy my toilet was to see me come home!  

#SoHappyItCried  #ThenICried  #ThenThePlumberCried  #TearsOfJoy  #AtLeastSomeoneWasHappy


I was finally able to see some friends I didn't get to see last time!  I saw them the day I got home!  And the day I left to pick up the thing I left at their house and had been losing my mind searching my house for . . .  And I parallel parked correctly for the 8th time in my life!!!  Clearly this was going to be a good visit.


There was a perfect deck draping day, which I spent draped on my hammock.  Once again, I thought some mean things about the downstairs neighbor who I assumed had started smoking again, and, once again, it was Canada being on fire.  I spent the next few days having lung problems and singing bass and apologizing to my neighbor in my head.

#SorryNeighbor  #IJustCoveredMyHeadWithABlanketAndDamagedMyLungs  #DoingMyBestImpressionOfSomethingBoneless

Then it was a couple doctor appointments and off to training in the middle of nowhere.  There were SO MANY windmills!!!!  It was very cool.  The windmills and the middle of nowhere and the fun training place.  If you zoom in on this ceiling panel, you can see it's made of pressed flowers!

Not so much the hotel.  It did have the best water pressure of any hotel I've ever stayed in.  But this faucet had two settings: freezing and you should probably have that looked at at urgent care.


#OrAtAll  #MyBrainStruggles  #EvenIfIStayOnTheOriginalTimeZone

#HadSomeBadSleepDays  #BadEnoughMyActivityTrackerCouldEvenTell

I kept getting this message while I was in the US.  Canada followed me home to censor my Facebook!  I wonder when / if that will change, so I can once again see my past.  : D

There was a SECOND perfect deck draping day that corresponded with a day off, and I spent it (mostly) on the hammock.  Between visits from the AC people and the plumber getting bad news.  #AHomeLeaveMiracle

I saw my magic chiropractor at home.  He did NOT do the same thing he did last time that let me not be in terrible pain for a whole week.  : (  He tried some other things, and we discussed how maybe it's not a BAD thing that my leg and foot are so screamy.  I offhandedly said I'd just be walking all over the place everywhere seeing everything if it weren't hurting (as if that was a positive thing), and he gently reminded me that overenthusiastic walking is what caused my leg to give out in the first place, so if I'm meant to be resting and recovering here on my Great Canadian Adventure, it might be good that something is keeping me from repeating that mistake.  #IWouldPreferItToBeSelf-disciplineInsteadOfTerriblePain  #IfAnyoneWasWondering

It just seems unfair that other people get to walk all over the place everywhere all the time without being in horrible pain or having their knees bend sideways.

Enjoy your joints that only bend in the correct directions and your legs if they let you walk around however much you need to, friends!

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