Saturday, May 25, 2024

Wide-Legged Jeans, Naps, Dreams, Beautiful Allergens

 As I think I mentioned last time, I am trying out some wide-legged trousers, including a pair of jeans!  Some are more successful than others, and some remind me why buying clothes is kind of awful.  (Same brand, same size [allegedly], totally different fit.)  Apparently, I can either have very too large or slightly too tight, and there is nothing in between.

I am, honestly, very fine with pants are baggy.  Let's spend some time there.

#TheseHideMyBraceWithoutGettingYankedAboutByTheVelcroStraps  #AndViceVersa  #TheyAreNotFlattering  #ButNeitherAreTheLeggings  #WhichIHateMore  #ButDon'tHaveToWashBraceLinersFor  #ThereIsNoRealWinnerHere

I have to say that this made me laugh very hear.  Maybe my activity tracker is getting the picture?

Interestingly, here in the GTA, spring is a bit longer than in MN, so, not quite, Buson, which is why I will actually get to wear the jeans a few times!

There have been new additions to the wall of stuff in the building where I live in MN, but I did not get to focus on all of them because there is some hilarious sense my downstairs neighbors have so that any time I am looking at or taking pictures of these canvases, they MUST come out into the hallway, even at, for example, 2 AM.  It is now a running joke in my life.


#I'dLikeToSpeakToTheManager  #SometimesTalkingIsNotAGoodExorcism  #ButAtLeastPeopleKnowWhyISometimesActLikeABasketCase

Yay, books!  But I can't read all the time, and I need to really try to start figuring out what's next.

#ThisWouldRequireKnowingWhatMyDreamsAre  #We'veTalkedAboutWhyThat'sAProblem  #NoProgressYetOnThat  #ButIHaveAnAppointmentScheduled  #We'llSeeIfThatHelps

Trying to get better at this.  My brain sure does remember and hold onto when things were different and capacities were larger, and that is physically detrimental. (And apparently also mentally detrimental, who knew?)

#Dagnabbit  #AtLeastIt'sAScenicPath

I can't capture this in a picture, but these trees appear blurry to me for some reason, like they're always moving out of the corner of my eye.  They are very lovely!


#OrangeFlowers  #TwoKinds

#Lilacs  #Probably  #SmellLovely


#KoreanRestaurantJapaneseHamburgSteak  #SecondThingIHadAtThisRestaurantThatTastedGood

Look, I'm used to the beige maple keys from the Midwest.  I don't remember ever seeing pink ones.  Does anyone know what they are?

I can't tell you about that, but I CAN tell you about the music of squirrels in the wall until Dad comes in and slams his fist sideways into the wall where the music is coming from, and then you hear the panic music of a squirrel falling down the wall, and then you later smell the terrible music of a squirrel that died next to the HVAC vent.  So, that's probably NOT what Basho is talking about.

#ILoveTheseFireworkFlowers  #WhateverTheyAre

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