#WearingMyFairT-Shirt #AtTheFirstParkAndRideITried #OnTheSecondBus! #AStateFairMiracle #OnThisDayOfSweatIUsedStuffInMyHairToKeepItOffMyFace #WithMiddlingSuccess
There are things I miss when I am not at my Minnesota home. My shower's water pressure. My dark, cool cave of a bedroom. Blues and greens and blue-greens everywhere. My hammock on the deck. My friends. Summer cicadas. The sound of crickets.
#IDoNotMissThis #FieUponThis #IBiteMyThumbAtThis #UnlessICanBeAnUnmovingObjectOnMyHammockInTheShade
#BreakfastOfChampions #NoLine #ThisWasASeriesOfStateFairMiracles #PBWhippedCreamPancakeCoveredBacon
#NoMarginForError #OneFalseMoveAndIWouldHaveRolledEverythingSideways
The reward for volunteering is actual food. I have now ingested my yearly quantity of hamloaf.
#ItIsAGoodThingIDon'tHaveAccessToCornRegularly #OrTheSweetCornbreadTheyServe
Fine art dump:
I stopped by the donut booth (near the Fine Art Building) that had lines a mile long (literally) last year. The line was totally reasonable at 4 in the afternoon. Grabbed a donut to lug around with me and take home. Then . . .
#Whee #IfIPlanItRightICanSeeMoreOfTheFairWithoutOverdoingIt
This stuff was totally worth the blister. Paella. In Minnesota. At the State Fair. That was Excellent.
#EvenIfITookIssueWithTheirSlogan #NOTTheHotDishOfSpain #ISavoredThisWhileTryingToGetPainLevelsDown
I checked out a couple of the vendors selling exercise equipment, as I am in love with the recumbent bike in the basement of my building here and decided that I would spend an adult amount of money on one that is sturdy and meets all my needs instead of getting the second cheapest kind like I did with my treadmill 9 years ago. Then I found out that they started at 3X the adult amount of money I was considering, which was 9X as much as I had spent on my treadmill (so overall recumbent bike would be 27X as much as I had spent on my treadmill). The second place I checked it was double that amount. #Disappointing
I always get a re-entry stamp just in case, and it's kind of fun trying to figure out what it is.
#Yeah #SorryAboutThatBody
Then I worked an 11 hour day. And then saw my church small group folks in person for a short time. Grabbed some things to try to treat the blister that I was pretty excited about. It was novel to get home and NOT have just holes in my skin from the braces. I had a single, proper blister! And it hadn't burst, and I was determined to keep it that way, so I was prepared.
Then MOAR FAIR! Second Park & Ride was the charm. Second bus again. The State Fair Miracles continued.
One more for the road.
#NotABreakfastOfChampions #ActuallyMightHaveBeenAGoodLunchBurgerWaffleThing #NotTerrible #JustPreMadeAndSoggyAndHalfUndercookedHalfOvercooked #TastyEnoughToGetMoving
I would like to take this time to thank my wrist brace, ring splints, and the hilarious little bag my mom gave me decades ago when her company had an ill-advised ad campaign called "PrintMyThing" that exactly fit my rain coat, hat, and all the braces.
#GladItWasNotAsHotAndHumidThisDay #NeverWouldHaveBeenAbleToGetTheSplintsOnOrOff #AtTheDiningHall #WaitingToHelpMeNotBendMyFingersBackwards
I tried the wild rice cranberry Swedish meatball sliders. I would like to publicly apologize to the wild rice cranberry Swedish meatballs at the dining hall. I looked forward every year to getting the regular Swedish meatballs (you have no idea how much, especially when I was living under the poverty line), and then one year, all of a sudden they were gone and were replaced by fancy, new meatballs, and I never gave them a chance. At least on these sliders, they were dynamite. Please accept my apologies for being a jerk to you all these years, new meatballs. I also tried the espresso-based beverage, and it was genuinely not objectionable. Seriously cool and refreshing, gluten free, dairy free, full of cinnamon and cardamom and other delightful spices to cover up the licking-a-tree flavor of espresso! Victory!
I was out of gas and knew it (and wanted to protect my blister), but I made sure to stop by this place during an off-peak time, and there was, again, no line!!!! Also note that I was being very good about not adding the stress of a ton of foods my body reacts badly to, and it was all still delicious. Well done, State Fair.
#SoGood #SweetPotatoesAreAmazing #StateFairMiracle
My body was quite done then, so I packed it in and headed back to the sky ride. There were lots of other people there, so I think the Fair did okay even though I left early.
#HiPeopleWithEnergy #AndHopefullyLessPain
#Yikes #Sorry #AFairDayAllAround #Snicker
#TheseAreCupHoldersAtREI #You'reWelcome
Then, finally, a couple more hours on the hammock. It was cooler that day, so I had to use my lightest blanket. Some nice dramatic sunlight.
#Cozy #Ahhhhh
In Fair conclusion:
- Cicada Chorus = 11 out of 10
- Holes worn into my feet by my ankle braces = <1
- Food eaten: Too much (mostly amazingly delicious)
- Steps: Too many
- Cool Art Seen: Correct amount
As the season turns, I hope you enjoy the fuubutsushi! Now that I'm leaving MN, the weather is scheduled to become totally reasonable. Enjoy!
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