Saturday, June 1, 2024

Still allergic to nature, questionable transit, and being stupid in front of beloved author number 3

Spring is still putting on a show here.   I have no idea what most of these are except that they are lovely. 


#TheseAreProbablyRoses  #SeriouslyNoClueWhatTheOthersAre

I totally dig the sentiment.  Correct, transit.  Don't rush.  Be safe.  Don't randomly slam into limping people with bright green knee braces as they try to access the elevators (3 people did this at different times during a single trip).  Funny story: this picture was taken at a different station, one that has no elevator but instructs people to be safe by using the nonexistent elevator.  #DoingMyBestTTC 

This is what the shadow looks like!  Coming back from a walk.  Wearing the jeans while it's still cool enough to do so!



#AlreadyHome  #WhyIsTrafficThisMuchWorseWhenTTCHasn'tEvenGoneOnStrikeYet

One of the things that's fun about living in a different place or visiting one for a while is that you hear different birds.  Some of them are familiar and some are not.  I can name, on sight, robins, cardinals, pigeons, and blue jays.  Then there are the sparrowrentinybirds that I can't tell apart but find adorable.  I can't actually connect sounds to birds, but some of the sounds feel familiar to me while others make me stop because they don't sound familiar.


I appreciate this sentiment, but have you seen me try to eat soup off either of these?

I believe you, Issa.  I would say it sounds nice, but I have an ineffective eye mask for this and my allergies lately have meant I spend a couple of hours not being asleep because this new journey thing is starting.


I wasn't sure if they had cottonwoods here because all my MN friends were posting their snowdrift pictures in May, and I had seen nary a fluff.  I think there are fewer of them here than I am used to, but there is some fluff near the river!



I have no idea what kind of tree this is, but I love it so much.

Molten chocolate poured on gelato.  Tiny spoon.  Flower.  Very nice.

There are a number of bus stops in the Greater Toronto Area that confuse me.  How do people line up for a bus stop without standing?  Are they supposed to sit on the sidewalk?  Roll around?  Is there something I fundamentally do not understand about bus stops?  #IHaveQuestions

This one kept saying it was coming and had come, but it lied.  After 40 minutes of me standing in the No Standing zone, a bus actually came, but it was incredibly packed, so I had to stand for the 20 minutes to the station.  #Ow  #NotInThePlan

Also not in the plan.  At the last minute, I still had some time before the planned thing, so I decided to go to the bookstore in Toronto where a favorite author works.  What were the chances that she would actually be there on that day?  Apparently 100%.  Did I shamelessly eavesdrop as I looked at all the books?  Yes.  Did I act just as stupid in front of this author as the previous 2 I have interacted with?  1000%.  Did I buy books and have to haul them around the rest of the day?  Yes.  Did she sign the book graciously like she is used to dealing with starstruck random people?  Also yes.  (Michelle West / Michelle Sagara / Michelle Sagara West at Bakka Phoenix Books)

Then it was time for the scheduled thing!  Volleyball anime movie!  No spoilers!  ADRENALINE!
Often when I go to movies, my activity tracker thinks I am unconscious.  That did not happen this time.  : D

And finally, here is the utterly random chair that lives at the construction site by my building.  I keep meaning to take a picture and forgetting.  It's in a new location every time I walk past.  #IHaveQuestions  #ThereIsClearlyAStoryHere

Hope your spring is full of weird things and wonder and pollen!

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