Saturday, June 22, 2024

Frustrating Birds, PAI 4EVER, Summer Fruits, Too Hot

 Another week of adventure!  In fun news, I am allergic to my current rental car.  We'll be hanging out in the hot temperatures and chemical offgassing together through September.  In car's favor, its shape is better for me and less likely for me to have narrow parking garage problems the last long one had.  In car's disfavor, it looks like it should have some get-up-and-go but does not, actually, have any get-up-and-go.  Kind of like me at this time?  : D

In my defense: Books.  

#Books #Forever

#AlsoWords!  #Yay!
#English!  #TerribleGoodTimes  #Yay!

I love love love that on a good day (weather, temperature, pain), I can walk to the 5th closest fruit and vegetable place to get organic berries, to the meat place to get generally not actually meat, and to this random chain place with excellent hot chocolate with oat milk and a savory croissant.  I actually sat down to rest and try desperately to take pictures of the adorable little opportunistic birds that hang around for crumbs.  The adorable little birds that will stay still until I pull out my camera to get a picture.  Since I sat down for a bit to look around, I discovered that the whole building and all the outside tables shake every time the subway trains go past.  I am . . . very glad that the building I'm living in doesn't do this, even though it's around the same place in relation to the subway line.

#NotPictured:AnyBirds  #NotForLackOfTrying


#:)  #:(

Weather has finally not been cooperating.  So I have to plan trips even more carefully.  It's fun to ride the line between sunburn and sunstroke.  


I don't actually hate summer or anything.  It's just that dysautonomia means my body doesn't handle high temperatures correctly.  I am fine in higher (for the midwest) temperatures in the shade on a hammock not moving.  It's the other stuff that's problematic.  I currently am without my hammock in the shade, so, ick.

And now, for a fun stroll down memory lane!

Y'all.  Landing this job was life-altering.  I am still so happy about it.  Being able to afford an FSA and real health care, being able to save more, being able to give more, being able to afford housing I could customize to offset my health stuff, getting away from the toxic and sinking ship that was my previous dream job (working in a bookstore): all of these made possible by convincing a corporation that my master's degree made it worth them hiring someone with increasing disabilities like me (this was how I thought about it in my own mind, as you should never disclose your disabilities until after you're hired for a job you can do with reasonable accommodations).

None of that is made less true by the disaster that has been the past year.
#ThankfullyThisIsBecomingLessTrue  #AlsoI'mProbablyAllergicToGeese

Still giving myself a lot of grace around this.  Working with a career coach in a desperate effort to figure out how to have better work boundaries, get out of this burnout, and figure out how to figure out next steps.  #PrayersAppreciated

And, honestly, I am so grateful that God gave me this escape path of leaving behind the situation and going on an adventure somewhere else for a year.  The timing was so very providential.

Friends.  One of my colleagues recommended this restaurant back when I first took on this role to escape.  I just recently realized that one location was near one of my health care providers, and I took a chance. It is a chance I will be taking again.
#ADeliciousDeliciousChance  #PAI4EVER  #ThisIsThePadGraPowIHaveBeenLookingFor  #AlsoExcellentAsLeftovers

#NearlyTooPrettyToEat  #Nearly

There was a day I could smell this week!  It corresponded with the range of days when I was letting peaches sit on the counter and praying they wouldn't overripen before I needed them for the building potluck. Y'all.  Ripening peaches smell.  So.  Delicious.  And when you are letting them just be delicious there until a certain day, it is a bit torturous.  Like really good slow cooker food.  The smell just fills the space and entices you.  #SelfControlWon  If only I could figure out the Canadian oven.  #StillNoLuckOnOvenTimeAndTemp

I'll be finishing up the last of the leftovers today.  Raspberry & Peach crisp.  GF.  DF.  Vegan.  Still delicious.  And somehow not overripe.  This feels like a great victory.    #TakeAChanceOnThePeachesSometimes

What didn't feel like a great victory was the actual potluck.  The weather for both the original day and the backup day looked dire, so they did it inside.  I . . . think I accidentally drank something alcoholic?  Or fake alcoholic?  It looked like the safest option: fruit in water in a jug set out on a beverage table along with wine in bottles and stuff.  Fruit water is not my favorite but is definitely liquid.  It was vile.  I understand now why I saw lots of abandoned cups with this in it around the rooms.  Yech.  

I brought my own plates and silverware, as the postings advertised, but I was definitely in the minority.  Lots of people wandering about in search of plates that did not exist and then acting peeved because they didn't read the posters.    

Aaaand, as with all grilling-related potlucks that correspond with days my hands aren't working right, I ended up with a burger that had waaaaay too much mayo and ketchup on it.  They spilled all over the place, so I had to go back to my room and wash my hands off.  #OhNo  #ReasonsToLeaveTheParty  #ThatIDon'tPlanOn  #ButDon'tMind


This one made me snort. If you're reading this, you are likely not shocked by this claim.  #ItWillHappenAgain  #ThankYouForYourPatienceAndEnjoyment  #KeepItWeird,Friends

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