Saturday, June 29, 2024

Star-crossed lovers, life, and hilarious humidity hair

 I am still enjoying my hair, which is extra fun with the added humidity.  


Still having issues with MCAS / allergies and the wild humidity here.  One of the fun symptoms is that my body doesn't quite know what to do with very basic situations.  When you are flat in bed, your heart rate and blood pressure drop because your circulation isn't fighting gravity (my understanding).  When I get into bed, my blood pressure and heart rate get . . . confused.  Eventually, they start to drop, sometimes precipitously, but the end result is that they don't hit their lowest point until right before I wake up.  They're supposed to do that 4-6 hours into sleep, so you can rest and recover for several hours.  

This is actually when it's doing better.  Sometimes it goes up to and stays at exercise levels for several hours before slowly falling.  So, in general, this is one reason why I am tired and foggy even if I am diligently in bed at the same time every night and out of bed at the same time every morning and follow every other rule of good sleep hygiene.

#AlsoSimilarForTechnicalDiscussionsAtWork  #ThankYouForYourPatience

Going to bed on time every night, to be honest, doesn't ALWAYS happen (see previous post #BOOKS)  but has been happening a LOT more since I came here and don't have thousands of very compelling books to pick up and start reading too late.

#BadBookLogic  #ItAlwaysMakesSenseAtTheTime  #WellSometimes



#FiguringItOut  #Snort

#ThisIsNotHelpingTheSituation  #MakingMeCranky  #NotSoMuchGetOffMyLawnAsI'veReadTooMuchSciFi  #OrJustEnough

#ThatSoundsUncomfortableIssa  #AndUnhygienic  #AndProbablyUnhelpful  #ThoughAncientPoetsCertainlyDidHaveLessAIInTheirFaces


One of my problems is that both of these are simultaneously true.  #BrainFog  #Ugh

I talked to my new manager back in MN.  

#ThisMadeMeLaugh  #What'sWrongWithCanada  #BetterThanWhereIWas

People are coming to visit me in Canada!  Yay!  We are not having great luck scheduling things.  In some ways, this is a bit stressful.  I have to arrange for time off work.  I have to carefully organize myself, so that I do not inconveniently collapse somewhere or crash or have a flareup for weeks after the fun.  Other people, for numerous reasons from personalities to not having chronic health issues to family members to having acute health issues, are not quite as into the careful planning.  Best case scenario, I have more time on vacation days to read.  Worst case scenario I pass out or my brace gets destroyed in a foreign land or something bends sideways or it takes weeks to recover from my lack of self-control when with loved ones.

#Hahaha #Ouch

Last but not least!  New chapter in the drama of why is the chair at the construction site!  The fancy conference room chair that lives at the construction site has a friend!  Or enemy.  Or rival.  Or star crossed lover.  Either way, a new character has entered the scene!
#There'sAStoryHere  #ProbablyOnlyInMyHead  #StayTuned

#ARomanceForTheAges  #OrSomething

Moonlight for everyone!  Especially if you did NOT bring me flowers, as I am still allergic to most of them.  Until next week!

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