Saturday, August 10, 2024

When the going gets tough, I get reading

Everything is still falling apart (see last post), and I read 12 books in 10 days as a coping mechanism.  #NetPositive?


#It'sAConundrum  #IWantToDoWorkThatMattersButNotBeSoImportantAtWorkThatIDestroyMyself

I don't know if it's tied to the school rhythms here or summer getting really intense, but it does seem like August is when everyone suddenly realizes (for whatever reason) that if they don't prioritize and buckle down, the things they were supposed to be working on won't get done this year.  And then as a PM, I am suddenly flooded with scheduling and running working meetings and alignment meetings I've been trying to get done for months.  (And then following up with the people who blow off said meetings.)

If I'm in a healthy place and not genuinely overcommitted, I can sometimes cope and successfully get everything across the finish line on time.  When I'm not in a baseline healthy place for me and am overcommitted, I . . . feel like everything is flying apart and I can't hold it together.  

#DependsWhoYouAsk  #AndWhatTheirBaselineIs  #AndWhatTheirCapacityAtThatMomentIs

I'm basically managing 5+ projects (potentially trying to spin out 2 more), and I'm training and mentoring 3 people to try to get them up to speed in a few weeks on a process that usually is taught 1:1 and takes 6+ months while doing a job's worth of that same work myself.  This is the week where I realized I couldn't hold it together. 


I'm trying to do this.  I'm taking the time when I can to go out for lunch with colleagues.

#CheeZaatar  #TotallyMissedMySecondMeetingThatDayDueToNotPayingAttentionToTheTime  #PersonalRecordOfSadness

I'm making plans that get delayed by an hour and 15 minutes due to mysterious street car absences that result in me walking alone through not the safest part of town only to stumble across inexplicable statuary.


Here's hoping you're reading and walking or whatever you need to do to help you cope when overwhelmed.

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